Thursday, June 7, 2007

Cpl. Grizzlyman

Bear robots rescues wounded troops

It seems the US Military has developed the Battlefield Extraction Assist Robot or BEAR to aid and rescue wounded US troops. The robot actually has a teddy bear-like face to reassure the wounded solider and put them at ease.

It's like Care Bears meets Terminator. While the idea of a rescue robot has obvious benefits, it's the comical teddy bear face that takes the cake. Maybe the plan is to warm the hearts of the enemy? Don't shoot... I love you!

1 comment:

Escape Pirate said...

I dunno, if I was wounded and dying and a robot teddy bear was my only hope of survival...let's just say I'm not feeling too good about my chances. Now, a robot elephant or robot tiger...yeah, I think I'd feel better about my chances of escaping the frontlines with one of those. Or a robot cheetah; they move fast.